How do I feel? Kevin, did you watch out there? I've worked my whole life for this. I defeated everybody there to get my legitimate title shot, only to get it taken away from behind? That's ridiculous! This is some big game to her I know that....this little McMahon-Helmsley Regime, but this is FAR from over. This is not a game to me.."
- Lita, 6/8/00, Smackdown! - On Stephanie screwing her out of her title shot
"I became interested in wrestling from watching Rey Mysterio Jr. (World Championship Wrestling) I basically decided to just go for it and not look back. People used to ask me why I was trying to get into wrestling. They would say, 'Get out while you can,' and I would always laugh it off. When I met Luna (Vachon of the World Wrestling Federation), I was really inspired by her toughness. People like her are good for the wrestling business."
"..I like to go to all the hockey games and yell, "You suck goalie!" I love to freak out and scream and yell all the chants."
"I think I work really well under pressure. When I was in college, I would always start my assignments at midnight the night before they where due. Even under the pressure, I always pulled it off. I feed of the challenge and the pressure. I love it."
"Remember this... Although timing in life is EVERYTHING, memorable moments in history don't just happen! Do Something---Stay Positive!" - Amy Dumas
"Please make good use of your time here on this earth, and try to do everything with good intentions. Hold your true friends in high esteem, remember ............ what good are life's stories if you have no one to share them with?" - Amy Dumas
"I really love doing these 6 man inter-gender matches!! They are a lot of fun and I think really enables never been done b4 senarios! I have been doing pretty good w/ keeping up on my snail mail... thanx for the presents and pictures... keep watchin, cuz i plan to wear all the necklaces and bracelets I have received on TV!... I am still no where near used to people recognizing me in public, so don't be intimidated, come up and say hi! I just assume people are looking at the clock behind me or are holding a pen a paper cuz they are about to write some directions down or something, we're all just here sharing this planet, tryin to get by." - Lita
"Seeing the lucha libre style of wrestling got me into it. I started by taking up judo, and competed with that for a while and then I started in the ring. It is a constant learning process, and I wouldn't say I know how to wrestle now. I am definately still learning!"
"Personally I have been very lucky to have had people willing to share and help me learn. I have heard many horror stories about women being mistreated, but I have been fortunate."
"Because wrestling is so much more mainstream than in past years, the best way to begin a career in wrestling is to invest in a school. Research them before you decide, and also realize you may have to drive a considerable distance or relocate in order to find a school suited for you. If you are not yet old enough to attend a wrestling school (usually 18), ametauer wrestling, martial arts, and gymnastics are all good bases."
"I just constantly keep an eye out for new thongs. Some I buy in sets, but mostly just pick them up here and there."
"I would definately love to do it... one day..... I think Playboy is a respectable magazine, and like Chyna, somebody like myself appearing in Playboy would continue to break barriers of the 'barbie' type being the only thing a man wants to look at."