Jeff Bio
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Name: Jeffrey Nero Hardy
Birthday: August 31, 1977
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 212 lbs.
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Greenish
From: Cameron, NC
Status: Taken
Piercings/tattoos: Both ears and belly button pierced, tattoo of a dragon on his left calf, and a tiger and chinese symbols on his arm.

Favorite Movies: Titanic, powder, Pump Up the Volume, Heathers, The Crow, Armageddon, Pulp Fiction, The Matrix
Favorite Bands: Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Marilyn Manson, Stabbing Westward, Collective Soul, Korn, Kid Rock, Shania Twain
Favorite Restaurants: Cracker Barrel, McDonalds
Favorite Cartoon Characters: Scooby Doo, Tigger (Jeff says, "I want a real tiger!")
Cologne: It's a secret mixture!
Injuries: Dislocated shoulder

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