Wrestlers B-Days
<-Other stuff->
01 - Rodney
03 - Jim Ross
06 - Jacqueline
10 - "Grandmaster Sexy" Brian Christopher
12 - Luna Vachon
15 - Shane McMahon
15 - Bull Buchanan
19 - Pat Patterson
19 - K-Kwik
29 - Hardcore Holly
08 - Big Show
10 - Victoria
14 - Ken Shamrock
14 - Viscera
16 - Gangrel
25 - Ric Flair
02 - Debra
06 - Val Venis
07 - Tom Pritchard
09 - Tiger Ali Singh
12 - Mae Young
17 - Test
24 - Undertaker
24 - Barry Horowitz
29 - Michael Hayes
07 - Droz
10 - Paul Bearer
11 - Goldust
14 - Lita
17 - Rowdy Roddy Piper
18 - The Brooklyn Brawler
26 - Kane
02 - The Big Bossman
02 - The Rock
07 - Owen Hart
15 - Faarooq
16 - The Godfather
17 - Earl Hebner
17 - Dave Hebner
20 - Road Dogg
21 - Chris Benoit
28 - Chaz
29 - Pete Gas
04 - Gorilla Monsoon
07 - Howard Finkel
07 - Mick Foley
12 - Mark Henry
13 - Thrasher
16 - Ultimate Warrior
19 - Lilian Garcia
02 - Bret Hart
02 - Scotty Too Hotty
05 - Hillbilly Jim
13 - X-Pac
14 - Jeff Jarrett
15 - Jesse "The Body" Ventura
18 - Al Snow
22 - Shawn Michaels
27 - Triple H
04 - Dean Malenko
08 - Rena "Sable" Mero
11 - Hulk Hogan
14 - Bob Backlund
20 - Tori
24 - Vince McMahon
25 - Crash Holly
27 - Sgt. Slaughter
31 - Jeff Hardy
08 - Raven
15 - Teddy Long
17 - Jim Cornette
19 - Gerald Brisco
20 - Tony Garea
20 - Stephanie McMahon
23 - Matt Hardy
28 - Steve Blackman
29 - Kat
02 - Yokozuna
04 - Linda McMahon
05 - Terri Runnels
09 - Steven Richards
09 - Eddie Guerrero
11 - Tazz
11 - Rikishi
14 - Jack Lanza
15 - Joey Abs
25 - Perry Saturn
26 - Taka Michinoku
27 - Harvey Whippleman
30 - Edge
01 - Billy Gunn
09 - Chris Jericho
14 - Albert
15 - Randy Savage
26 - Ivory
27 - British Bulldog
29 - Bradshaw
29 - Jerry Lawler
30 - Christian
07 - Tammy "Sunny" Sytch
09 - Kurt Angle
10 - Essa Rios
18 - "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
18 - Trish Stratus
26 - Mideon
27 - Chyna

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